“It's time for us to understand that we can't be scared. This happened to us because we have taken it lying down each time. And we raise no questions, we are letting all this happen to us. We need to question the people in power and take responsibility ourselves to bring the right people to power. What has happened to the city is completely unimaginable. Instead of pointing fingers and finding faults, we need to wake up and take charge of the situation, nipping the problem at
the bud.”
Mahesh Bhatt
“Terrorism is here to stay and that is the grim reality we have to face. And if we thought it happened only in Afghanistan or Pakistan, and that we were wellprotected, that delusion has now crumbled. We now have to face the fact that terror is also in Vile Parle. We have to understand that our politicians are singularly incapable of restoring peace, and that by choosing to be a war tool of the US, we are paying a very high price. The only peace we will now see is the peace between wars. Let me tell you, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Rohan Sippy's My President is Coming, which was due to release today, has been postponed indefinitely owing to the unrest caused by the terrorist attacks. Rohan had to even stop the special preview of the film midway on Wednesday at Fame Adlabs, Andheri. Rohan Sippy said, “I am yet to come to terms with what has happened. Watching a heritage hotel like the Taj burning
(on television) was heartbreaking.”
Rahul Bose: Enough! We don't have 9 lives
The absence of duty on part of the politicians is the sole reason for this tragedy. We don't need new terror laws to stop a ship-full of grenades and guns from entering our city, we simply need to do our job well. We get frisked and our cars get checked, but how did these terrorists waltz into these hotels with AK47s? Why is our anti-terror plan not in place? This is the largest psychologically damaging blow on our city, but we will recover, simply because we have no choice. But, the time has come to ask for another choice. The people are not going to tolerate an event of such intensity, again. Politicians should not take us for granted. We are not gifted with nine lives.
Pooja Bedi: Please Implement Enough is Enough now
The city has been subjected to non-stop acts of violence, first by political parties like the Shiv Sena and the MNS and now by armed terrorists. I wish the government had taken a stand a long time back, stating that enough is enough and taking appropriate action against the perpetrators of violent acts. However, it's never too late for the government to implement this slogan — starting now.
Suchitra Krishnamurthy: We need better-trained security
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