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Shashi Tharoor's Second Wife Christa Giles, Pictures and Info of His Soon To be Ex Canadian Wife

The Second Wife of the former UN undersecretary general and Union Minister Shashi Tharoor, Ms. Christa Giles is a Canadian citizen, a civil servant who works with the United States on disarmament issues.

It is being said that Shashi was one of the richest election candidates in Kerala. He along with wife have made investments worth Rs214.5mn in the US, Canada, Dubai and Kerala.

Shashi Tharoor is said to be undergoing a legal separation from Christa Giles. Shashi and Christa are about to Divorce and Shashi plans to marry Sunanda Pushkar once the Divorce with Christa comes through. The divorce is going to be a messy legal sepaartion.

Photographs of Christa GilesChrista Giles, Shashi Tharoor’s Canadian Wife

Shashi Tharoor (L2) With Canadian Wife Christa Giles (L3)

Shashi Tharoor With Second Wife Christa Giles


  1. Sunanda pushkar is his third wife
    His First Wife is
    Tilottama Mukherji, with who he has 2 children

  2. looking for 4th now


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