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Now, Payal Rohtagi Accuses Rahul Mahajan of Physical Beating and Abuse‎, Says Rahul Has Hit Her Twice.

Rahul has hit me twice: Payal Rohtagi

Rahul Mahajan who was also accused of beating his first wife has apparently abused almost all the women he's been with. After Dimpy's allegations about domestic abuse, actress Payal Rohtagi has broken her silence about Rahul's violent ways. The actress who looked visibly upset with Dimpy's fate revealed that she has also been the victim of Rahul's rage. "He did hit me twice. Once he banged my head against the door. When Rahul is angry, he completely loses his mind." she revealed.

On being asked whether she had met Dimpy, the actress replied, "I don't live in the past. It's been a long time. But after hearing the news of beating I felt very bad for her, nobody should be treated like that. She is a woman I can understand that."

The actress claims things were not fine between Rahul and his new wife Dimpy. "When I spoke out about Dimpy and Rahul in a previous interview, Dimpy denied everything and said that all was fine between her and Rahul, but the next day the news of him beating her came out. This itself speaks a lot about how much was fine between them." she said.

Talking about Rahul Mahajan on the reality show Big Boss, Payal said, "Rahul is only bothered about himself, He can sue anybody"

On being asked why she cried on the show, the actress revealed, "I cried because I was in relationship with him at hat time and he was doing something on TV where everyone was watching, it made me really upset; I had not been given any glycerin, I actually cried."g on TV where everyone was watching, it made me really upset, I had not been given any glycerin, I actually cried."

Interview With Payal Rohatgi where she talks about Rahul Mahajan and his abusive nature.

Are you surprised that Rahul's marriage has hit the rocks so soon?

Knowing Rahul, I am not surprised. He loves to change partners. For him, swayamvar was a gimmick. He offered me big money to participate in the show (pauses).

Go on...

Rahul has been harassing me since the past two months. He has been sending me very odd messages at odd hours. Initially, I ignored his calls and messages, but eventually, I told him to lay off. But he continued.

What exactly has he been telling you?

He said, 'I am sorry. We should work out things between us again.' It all smacked of desperation. But Rahul is not a man of his word.

How long were you in a relationship with him?

Eight months. I was very serious about him and made a fool of myself.

Is Rahul aggressive?

Men have that in them if they are under the influence of something.

Drinks? Drugs?

No comments. Don't drag me there.

What do you have to say about the company he keeps?

He is surrounded by people who don't advise him well.

You haven't answered my question. Is Rahul aggressive?

Yes, he is aggressive if and when he loses it.

How often does he lose it?

(Laughs) I didn't count. But if he loses it, he is vindictive too.

Did he hit you?

Yes. It happened just before we went for Bigg Boss 3. I was late by only 15 minutes and he accused me of having an affair with my co-actor Irrfan Khan.

Go on...

I was living-in with him then. When I reached home, he was so angry he banged my head against a door. I was bleeding. He then he started cajoling me. The doctor was called. Rahul told him I had fallen in the bathroom.

Any other incident of violence?

Once I didn't take his call since I was busy. He slapped me when we met.

Describe Rahul as a boyfriend.

When he is wooing you, he will shower gifts and call you 200 times a day. But then, he changes colours. It takes very little to arouse his suspicions. Once suspicious, he creates hell. He is not even a dependable friend. Rahul is not a stable guy.

Why didn't you try to change him?

It is very difficult to change a 34-year-old.

Do you repent that you were swayed by Rahul's connections?

No. Life is a teacher isn't it?

You think that the two finalists (Nikunj Malik, Harpreet Chhabra) in swayamvar who lost to Dimpy were lucky?

Yes. And I was luckier than them. Only Dimpy...(sighs)

The Inside Story of Dimpy Ganguly-Rahul Mahajan Marriage and Abuse With Details

.... My father was taking Rahul's side: Dimpy

It was Thursday evening, Saumasri Ganguly, known to the world as Dimpy Mahajan, was pleading on the phone. The familiar and assuring voice of her mother was all she needed to break down. “I am all alone here ma, even baba (father) is not supporting me.”

By Thursday evening it was obvious, a battered, bruised Dimpy was fighting a lonely battle.

A family of extremely modest means, the Gangulys had played their parts during her closely followed reality TV marriage. They had taken a leap of faith once, but seemed to fight shy of doing it again.

They wanted her to go back to Rahul Mahajan, the man they believed truly, madly, deeply, loved her.

A man, who could afford her the life and the luxuries they had always wished for their daughter. “Or else why would Rahul send her business class tickets to return to Mumbai every time she came here for her exams?” questioned Dimpy's concerned uncle, who lives in the same house as her family in north Kolkata.

Meanwhile, the 21-year-old was visibly in pain. The bruises on her thighs, hands and forehead were raw, throbbing. She feared for her life, her father's life, who was at that very moment sitting with the man who had been beating her up.

When Mirror called up Mahajan on Thursday night, he said, "I just had dinner with Dimpy's father."

What he did not tell us was retired income-tax lawyer Saibal Ganguly, his father-in-law who had flown down from Kolkata in response to his daughter's distress call, was there as a peacemaker.

He was trying to get an idea of what could have gone so horribly wrong between the charmer of a son-in-law and their beloved daughter.

Rahul Mahajan, flush from the success of his stint in Bigg Boss which saw him garner unprecedented public sympathy, participated in a reality show to choose his wife. 21-year-old model and small time Bengali actress Dimpy, wide-eyed and in Mumbai to try her luck in the glamour world, seemed to be a perfect choice.

Rahul and Dimpy were bonafide reality TV stars and seemed determined to milk it. Both made a slew of appearances on various TV shows, always professing undying love for each other.

But there was trouble in paradise. "Fights over petty issues would blow out of proportion and turn physical. He once hit me with a hanger, leaving a huge scar on my back," says Dimpy.

The violence, she says, escalated with her insistence on appearing for her second year exams. A fact corroborated by her uncle Tapan Ganguly. "He would summon her back every time she came to Kolkata for her exams. He said, there was no need to study and for some Rs 5000-job. But Dimpy wanted to complete her studies," said her uncle.

June was a particularly bad month for Dimpy. Twice she got her mother-in-law Rekha Mahajan involved in the fracas. "I went back to Kolkata quite often because of the fights. Each time Rahul would cajole me to return and promise it wouldn't happen again. I kept giving in, in the faith that he was a nice guy and he loved me. But there was this other side of him which I couldn't handle. Also, being a middle-class girl, I wanted to give the marriage my best shot."

Terror Thursday

Things came to a head right after the young couple celebrated their birthdays, which happen to be on the same day, on July 25. "All of Wednesday we spent time together and even had a few drinks in the evening. I went to sleep, only to be rudely awakened early in the morning by a blow on my face," says Dimpy. "Rahul had seen something on my cell phone and wanted to know where it came from."

Shocked but determined not to give in to his terror tactics, Dimpy told him upfront she was in no mood to oblige. "I told him even if you kill me, now I won't say anything." It was enough to send Rahul into a fit of rage and he continued with his assault.

"When I tried to run to the servant's quarters next door, he grabbed me by my hair and kept hitting me even after I fell down."

After the beatings, he started making calls to her parents in Kolkata asking them to make her see reason. "While he was on the phone, I grabbed my passport, wallet and cellphone and fled the house." Dimpy ran down few flights and hid in the dark passageway between the two buildings and then made a distress call to her friend at 4.38 am. Only after her friend arrived half an hour later did she get out of her hiding place.

The trauma continues

Meanwhile her father flew down from Kolkata by 4.30 pm the same day, even as she remained holed up in her friend's house. By this time, she had made up her mind to walk out and went back to Rahul's house to pack her bags. "My father tried his best to help us reconcile and kept telling me that Rahul is a nice guy. At this I broke down and called my mother. I felt all alone, as even my father was taking his side. But later I could see his point of view. He is a simple middle-class man who didn't want to see his daughter's marriage breaking up."

After over two hours, Dimpy left the house, along with her belongings and pet dog Naughty (gifted to her by Rahul) to her cousin's place in the suburbs. Her father stayed back with Rahul to sort things out.

More drama was to follow. Rahul, who had by then got wind of her decision to go public tried damage control and sent her father to pacify her. The discussion between the family members continued till the wee hours of Friday morning.

As the day panned out, Rahul, clearly rattled by the attention, sent out feelers that he would speak to the media later in the day. Dimpy, though, indicated in her conversation with the Mirror team that she was contemplating going to the cops, but was held back by her concern for her family. "Before I do anything drastic, I will speak to my in-laws and request them to make Rahul understand that he has crossed the limits. If he sees reason, I will not approach the cops but stay away from him."

Many hours of parleying between family members later, Dimpy Mahajan stepped out and faced the world, pale, tired, yet resolute. "We are disturbed by what has happened. I need time alone to recover," she said before disappearing into Rahul's apartment in Sukhada, Worli.

A lonely battle

But the odds were clearly stacked against Dimpy. Her father and her in-laws wanted her to go back to her abusive husband. Her mother, the only woman who sympathised with her, had taken ill after the news of the incident reached her. In fact, Saibal Ganguly told Mumbai Mirror, "Dimpy is only 21 and inept at handling family problems. That is why she spoke to the media. Please understand, such quarrels happen between couples, especially when the girl is so young. Something must have angered but he is repentant now. Rahul's mom and I want them to stay together and Dimpy will go back to him."

Sources close to Dimpy say, she has decided to go back to Kolkata. When Mirror called Rahul later in the evening, he claimed Dimpy was sleeping at home. "Her dog is also with me," he said, adding, "The country should pray for us."

Eerily, it sounded as if he was back on TV.

Find Here: Rahul Mahajan Abuses wife physically, Rahul Mahajan Abuses wife, Rahul Mahajan physically Abuses wife Dimpy Ganguly, Rahul Mahajan-Dimpy Ganguly Details of their Relationship gone wrong. Why did Rahul hit Dimpy, Pictures of Dimpy Ganguly Abused, Dimpy Ga

Sambhavna Seth's Reaction to Rahul-Dimpy Spat - "If It's a Publicity Stunt, It's Dirty"

Item girl Sambhavna Seth, Rahul Mahajan's 'sister', thinks he and Dimpy Ganguly should come clean on the incident.

MUJHE MERE PATI SE BACHAO: Dimpy, Rahul Mahajan's wife, at their Worli residence yesterday

Rahul Mahajan treats Sambhavna Seth, whom he met on Bigg Boss, like his sister. So much so, that he brought her to his swayamvar to help him choose the right girl. Here's the reality show contestant and Bhojpuri item girl spilling the beans on Rahul and Dimpy Ganguly and what she thinks happened between them.

When did you get to hear about Rahu Abusing Dimpy?
I got lots of missed calls on my phone from some friends in the media. Then, I read about it in the newspaper. I immediately called Rahul, but his phone was off.

When was the last time you met Rahul Mahajan?
It was a while back -- after I finished Desi Girl. I have been in touch with him regularly since the Bigg Boss days. After that, I was actively involved in his swayamvar right from the elimination round. I went with him to get the wedding ring and also performed for the sangeet.

How's Dimpy Ganguly as a person?
I have had Dimpy on my Facebook friends' list for a while. She would always put up lovey-dovey status messages about how much she loved Rahul. I don't think she's a bad person.

Tell us about Rahul's chemistry with Dimpy on the show
It was clear from the beginning that he had a soft spot for her. I had this knack of ragging the girls on the show and asking them all sorts of questions. But, he clearly told me to stay away from Dimpy and not rag her.

Do you think it's a publicity stunt by Rahul and Dimpy?
Personally, I feel there's no harm in getting publicity if it's done the right way and if it helps you professionally. But if, in this case, it's a publicity stunt to get more reality shows, then it's a dirty thing. If it's proven it was for publicity, both of them should own up responsibility and come out and apologise to the people.

You think Rahul Mahajan must have hit Dimpy Ganguly?
We don't know actually what happened between the two. One thing I can vouch for is that Rahul doesn't throw temper tantrums. He was the least irritated and agitated person on Bigg Boss. All of us would yell, abuse and get our anger out, but he would keep it all inside. If he's so good at hiding his anger, there must be another side to him we haven't seen.

But he's hit his first wife...
If Rahul is proven guilty of raising his hand on a woman, there's no bigger crime than this. The Mahila Ayog should get involved and hold him accountable.

What about Rahul sending Payal (Rohatgi) text messages?
I don't understand how Payal went to the media right around the same time this news (about Rahul and Dimpy) came out. Daal mein kuch kaala hai. Payal was very close to him on Bigg Boss. He would say she's for timepass or 'roz roz pizza kaun khayega', but she wouldn't react. Even though Rahul is married, they had a chance to stay good friends.

The Incident

According to media reports, on Thursday morning, Rahul tried to open a message received by Dimpy on her cellphone but could not because the phone was locked.

When he tried to wake Dimpy up, she asked him to let her sleep.

Dimpy alleged that Rahul suddenly turned violent and thrashed her. She said he punched, kicked and dragged her by the hair. Her father arrived at Rahul's house the same evening and Dimpy packed her bags and left.

Rahul married the Kolkata-based model earlier this year on the reality show. Rahul Dulhaniya Le Jayenge. His first marriage to commercial pilot Shweta Singh also ended in August 2008 allegedly because Rahul used to hit her.

Video: Tere Mast Mast Do Nain, Song Promo of Dabangg

Song trailer of Dabangg - Tere mast mast do nain, starring Salman Khan and Sonakshi Sinha released on TV channels yesterday. Here's a look at it.

First Promo - Theatrical Trailer of Dabangg - Click Here >>

Talking about the people's reactions to his first promo, director of the film Abhinav Kashyap said, "The best compliment I got for the Dabangg promo was when Arbaaz Khan signed me on for a second film straightaway without even having an iota of an idea about what we are going to make next.

Salman Khan grooves to the sounds of the unreleased film Dabangg

Yesterday the song, Tere mast mast do nain, released on TV channels and I have been getting a great response for that as well."

The song is about Salman's emotions, feelings and sense of jubilation when he realises that he's fallen in love with Sonakshi, said the director.

Abhinav also got a compliment from brother Anurag who saw the promo. "Anurag loved the promo. He said that Dabangg is going to be a huge film at box office," said Abhinav.

Shatrughnan Sinha's daughter Sonakshi, who is making her debut with Salman, said, "It was great shooting with Salman Khan. He's extremely helpful and supportive."

Video of the making of the song 'Tere Mast Mast Do Nain' from Dabangg

The best compliment Sonakshi got was from someone who's work she has always loved and admired.

"Rani Mukerji told me that from that one line which she saw in the promo, she gauged that I can ACT!" said Sonakshi. "My dad is also extremely proud of me. He agrees that I couldn't have gotten a better debut."

Dimpy Ganguly Forgives Rahul Mahajan, Returns Home. Video of Rahul Confirming Wife's Back Home

Mumbai: It was a sort of Bollywood drama. Model Dimpy Ganguly, who accused her husband Rahul Mahajan of domestic violence and left his home, finally returned home, saying she has forgiven her repentant hubby.

Video of Rahul Mahajan Taking to the Media and confirming that his wife Dimpy Ganguly is back home

Rahul Mahajan spoke to the media and said that Dimpy had returned home and was taking a nap while he was playing with the puppy that he had gifted her on her birthday 25th July 2010.

He also said that he loved Dimpy the most and that he would celebrate their first wedding anniversary next march in a grand fashion.

Dimpy Ganguly had left Rahul Mahajan's home yesterday, alleging thrashing by Rahul Mahajan. She also said that Rahul punched, kicked her and dragged her hair. Her pictures showing bruises, were published in Mumbai Mirror.

Rahul and Dimpy got married on NDTV's reality show, "Rahul Dulhaniya Le Jayega" in March 2010. Rahul had a troubled past, drug abuse and a failed relationship with first wife Shweta Singh.

After the Dimpy-Rahul issue was raked up in the media and celebrity circle, Rahul was forced to surrender at Dimpy's feet. He apologised to Dimpy and convinced her to return home this afternoon.

Although Dimpy returned home and confirmed that Rahul has apologised for his mischieves, she is yet to recover from the "shock". She hasn't yet forgiven Rahul. She knows she has a point to prove now.

Dimpy will leave no stones unturned to control Rahul Mahajan. Rahul now knows that he has got a match, who knows how to fight back hard. He must behave now or suffer.

Meanwhile, Dimpy's co-contestant Nikunj Malik defended Rahul Mahajan and wondered why Dimpy chose to go the media rather than police station. She feels that the entire "drama" was orchestrated by Dimpy to derive some mileage.

Dimpy Ganguly Hints at Reconciliation With Husband Rahul Mahajan, Says he Regrets What Happened.

I need time to recover: Dimpy Ganguly

Surfacing for the first time after the news of her being allegedly abused by her husband Rahul Mahajan, Dimpy Ganguly told reporters Friday that she needs time to recover and wants to be left alone.

Video of Dimpy Ganguly addressing the media accusing Rahul Mahajan of physical abuse and the possible Reconciliation

Talking to reporters briefly, Ganguly said: 'Rahul and I just had a conversation and he sincerely regrets what happened.

'We are both very upset and I am extremely hurt. I need time to think about this and recover from whatever has happened. Till that time, I want to be left alone,' she added.

Ganguly reportedly had stayed with Poonam Mahajan, Rahul's sister, after alleged physical abuse by her husband. She has now returned to Rahul's residence.

Ganguly had left Rahul's place after the spat at around 4 a.m. Thursday.

This is the second time Rahul has been accused of domestic violence. Earlier, his first wife and childhood friend Shweta Singh had accused him of physically abusing her. They separated in 2008. In 2006, Rahul was arrested on charges of drug abuse.

In an interview to a Mumbai tabloid, Dimpy alleged that Rahul beat her up regularly and also pointed a gun to her head in one of their fights.

Friends, relatives and close associates said the couple along with family members were trying to resolve the issue.

'I have known Rahul to be a sober and thoughtful individual. There might have been some difference of opinion between the couple, but I am sure it can be resolved through a mature discussion,' said Prakash Mahajan, Rahul's uncle.

Rahul remained unavailable for his reaction despite repeated attempts.

Rahul Mahajan and Dimpy Ganguly to Divorce? Rahul-Dimpy Split.

Celebrity couple Rahul Mahajan and his wife Dimpy Ganguly seems to be heading for a split after Dimpy walked out of Rahul's home alleging physcal violance and abuse.

In an interview to Mumbai based tabloid, Mumbai Mirror, Dimpy alleged that Rahul beat her up regularly and also pointed a gun to her head in one of their fights.

Dimpy left Rahul's home after a brawl with him on Thursday morning.

Rahul's secretary however denied the allegations. "Our lawyers will send a legal notice to dimpy regarding this," he said.

Rahul met Dimpy on a reality show, Rahul Dulhaniya Le Jayega after which they got married in March 2010.

At that time, Rahul had said, "This wedding is a second birth for me." Rahul was earlier married to his long time girlfriend Shweta Singh who divorced him in August 2008 alleging that he beat her.

When asked why he chose Dimpy out of 16,500 applicants, Rahul said, "From day one itself, Dimpy and I were very comfortable with each other. We are good friends now. I have always believed that a good friend will make a good wife, and that is what I saw in Dimpy. I can talk to her about everything. I don't have to be careful about my words or the way I talk. She is only 21 but is really matured for her age. She is always smiling. I love her for that."

However in four months the marriage seems to be cracking.

The first signs were visible last week when Rahul started sending sms to actress Payal Rohatgi who was his house mate on the reality show Bigg Boss.

Payal in an interview to a tabloid said that she did not wish to be in touch with Rahul because he was already married.

When Mumbai Mirror contacted Rahul, he denied the story and said, 'It is not true at all. I just had dinner with Dimpy's father.'

We tried contacting Rahul on his cellphone, but our calls went unanswered. Dimpy's cellphone on the other hand was switched off.

Dimpy Ganguly Accuses Rahul Mahajan of Physical Abuse. Dimpy Dumps Rahul and Walks Out of Marriage

Dimpy alleges physical violance in the middle of the night. Dimpy Ganguly's allegations: Rahul Mahajan punched, kicked and dragged me by hair, says wife Dimpy

Photos of Dimpy Ganguly showing a bruise on her leg. She was allegedly beaten up by her husband Rahul Mahajan

In a sensational development, Kolkata-based model Dimpy Ganguly, who married Rahul Mahajan on NDTV Imagine's swayamvar reality show, Rahul Dulhaniya Le Jayenge, dumped him, alleging domestic violence.

Dimpy left Rahul's residence in Worli after she was beaten up by him.

Dimpy Ganguly with her cousin Dipankar Roy

Mumba Mirror published Dimpy's pictures where she was seen with injuries in her left thigh and swollen face. She also had bruises in both her hands.

According to the tabloid, the incident occurred on Thursday morning, when Rahul tried to open a message received by Dimpy Ganguly on her cell phone. He could not because the phone was locked. When he tried to awake Dimpy to unlock the phone, she reportedly asked him to let her sleep.

According to Dimpy's version, Rahul suddenly turned violent and thrashed her. She said he punched, kicked and dragged her by her hair. Her father arrived at Rahul's house at 4 pm after she related the incident to him over the phone. That's when she returned to the house, packed her bags and left.

"Rahul beat me up early on Thursday morning after waking me up to know the contents of a message that had beeped on my phone. When I asked him to go back to sleep, he flew into a rage and began hitting me. He punched, kicked and dragged me by hair," the 22-year-old model told a TV channel.

The tabloid quotes Rahul as saying: "It is not true at all. I just had dinner with Dimpy's father," he said.

Another source quoted says that the abuse had started just a month after their national TV wedding. "However, the intensity increased in the past month-and-a-half," he said.

Dimpy further said that the problems started after her insistence on appearing for her second year exam. Rahul was not happy with her trips to Kolkata for the same.

When he got angry, he would also get physical. "One such fight got so out of hand that I had to call my mother-in-law. Later he was angry that I had involved his mother in the affair," Dimpy said.

She also alleged that during another fight, Rahul had pointed a gun at her. "He is a nice guy, but when he loses it, there is no telling what he might do."

Their marriage was on the verge of collapse amid reports that Rahul was chasing old girlfriend Payal Rohtagi.

Rahul reportedly sent text messages to Payal, seeking a second chance. However, Payal rejected his overtures. Rahul Mahajan's first wife Shweta dumped him for the same reason - domestic violence.

Interestingly, Nikunj Mallik, who was dumped by Mahajan on the show, had a different tale to tell. In an interview to IBN, Mallick said, "We've heard Dimpy's story, it's important that we hear Rahul's side as well. On the show he came across as calm, composed and a controlled person."

This is not the first time Rahul, son of late Bharatiya Janata Party leader Pramod Mahajan, has been accused of domestic violence. This is the second time that Rahul, who was also involved in a drug abuse case, has been accused of domestic violence.

Media reports had indicated his separation from his first wife, commercial pilot Shweta Singh, was because he used to hit her. The couple divorced in August 2008.

Shweta Singh, who was his childhood friend, had accused him of physically abusing her. The couple got divorced in 2008 after which Rahul participated in Colors' reality show "Big Boss". He continued to be in the limelight for his closeness with co-contestants Monica Bedi and Payal Rohatgi.

Incidentally, Rohatgi too has alleged harassment by Rahul, saying he has been calling her asking for a second chance.

"I just don't want to be harassed anymore. That's about it. I don't want to speak to him. He is a married guy," Rohatgi said.

Senior BJP leader Pratap Ashar, a close associate of Pramod Mahajan who was present at the live wedding function of Rahul and Dimpy, refused to be drawn into the controversy saying that he did not know anything. Dimpy Ganguli dumps Rahul Mahajan, after a night of abuse

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Celebs Reactions on Dimpy Rahul Mahajan Abuse Allegation

Dimpy Ganguly Mahajan is not alone! After Dimpy alleged that she was mercilessly beaten up by hubby Rahul Mahajan in their Worli flat, support and reassurance in flowing in from all corners.

Dimpy Ganguly with her cousin Dipankar Roy after being abused by Rahul

Condemning Rahul Mahajan's actions, Minister for Women and Child Development Krishna Tirath said that if Dimpy were to press charges, Rahul would have to face similar consequences as a common man.

Dimpy has alleged that Rahul punched, kicked and dragged her by her hair. She also said that in one of the fights, he had pointed a gun at her.

Appalled by his behaviour, Jaya Prada actress and politician feels that his violent behaviour is unacceptable and reflects poorly on the society.

According to Dimpy's version, Rahul suddenly turned violent over a trivial matter and thrashed her.

Bhojpuri actor Ravi Kissen, who has seen Rahul Mahajan from close quarters from his Bigg Boss days, said that Rahul's behaviour is inexcusable and no one should raise his hand on a woman.

This is not the first instance where Rahul has been accused of domestic violence. Rahul's first marriage with childhood friend Shweta Singh ended acrimoniously on similar grounds.

Shweta refused to comment on the issue but urged the media to deal with it sensitively. Deeming it a "private matter", Singh said that violence doesn't solve anything and fails to understand why women are ill-treated.

Rahul has had a troubled past with drug abuse charges and a divorce from childhood friend Shweta Singh.

A close friend of Rahul has revealed that Dimpy is still in Mumbai and Dimpy's father will meet Rahul soon to resolve the matter.

MTV Roadies 5.0 winner Ashutosh Kaushik remained neutral on the matter and said that he was no one to comment on this matter and only the two of them know what exactly happened behind the closed doors.

Dimpy Ganguly Accuses Rahul Mahajan of Physical Abuse. Click Here For Pictures & Details >>

Will Take Action If Rahul Mahajan's Wife Dimpy Ganguly Complains of Domestic Violence: Minister

Following reports that Dimpy Ganguly has walked out of her four-month-old marriage to Rahul Mahajan alleging domestic violence, Women and Child Development Minister Krishna Tirath Friday said a panel will look into the matter if the victim lodges a complaint with them.

'I will ask the National Commission for Women (NCW) to look into the matter if she (Dimpy) lodges a formal complaint with us. Domestic violence in no way is acceptable,' Tirath told reporters here.

Dimpy married Rahul, son of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Pramod Mahajan, on the Imagine TV reality show 'Rahul Dulhaniya Le Jayega' in March this year.

'Rahul beat me up early Thursday morning after waking me up to know the contents of a message that had beeped on my phone. When I asked him to go back to sleep, he flew into a rage and began hitting me. He punched, kicked and dragged me by the hair,' the 22-year-old Kolkata-based model told a TV channel.

Rahul has been accused of domestic violence for the second time. Earlier, his first wife Shweta Singh had accused him of physically abusing her. They separated in 2008.

Dimpy Ganguly Accuses Rahul Mahajan of Physical Abuse. Click Here For Pictures & Details >>

Rahul Mahajan SMSed Payal Rohatgi Threatening to Commit Suicide If He Was Not Taken Back By Her

MUMBAI: Rahul Mahajan continues to be dogged by controversy as he has been ever since the death of his politician father BJP leader Pramod Mahajan.

Even as his wife Dimpy Ganguly has accused him of violence and battery on television, and his marriage appears to be tottering, Mahajan allegedly called up his former girlfriend, actor and model Payal Rohatgi at noon on Friday threatening to kill himself if she did not take him back.

"He called me on my landline on Friday and left a message with my maid saying that he will commit suicide," said Rohatgi.

Priyanka Chopra on 'Fear Factor - Khatron Ke Khiladi 3 (First Look Pictures)

Priyanka's grungy look revealed - She's all set to distract the male contestants on the reality show 'Fear Factor - Khatron Ke Khiladi 3'

After showcasing her svelte figure in films like 'Fashion' and 'Dostana', Priyanka Chopra is set to sport a grungy look to host Colors' adventure reality show 'Fear Factor - Khatron Ke Khiladi 3'.

The 28-year-old actress wore denim hot pants teamed with a broad belt, knee-length boots, a cropped yellow top with a black leather biker jacket and gloves for the first promo.

Her look has been created by Bollywood stylist and fashion designer Anaita Shroff Adajania, who earlier styled for the 'Dhoom' franchise as well as 'Race'.

'Khatron Ke Khiladi 3' will have 13 male celebrities competing against each other on dangerous tasks in Brazil.

And Priyanka is looking forward to providing a huge distraction to the male contestants. "That's what my intention is. To make them so distracted they won't be able to do their stunts," she says.

Priyanka, who's just returned from shooting the stunts in Bangkok, says she's super-excited. "I rode a dirt bike. I shot with an alligator and a bull. It was fun."

After a rejuvenating birthday holiday in Phuket, Priyanka flew to Bangkok to shoot the promotional video for the reality show.

About the holiday, Priyanka says: "Apart from the mishap that happened when I dropped my phone in the water and couldn't receive any birthday greetings, I had a fun time."

"I was generally not recognised. But even if I was I didn't mind. Being recognised is part and parcel of what I do," she says.

The stunts involved a motorbike race where Priyanka challenged a group of youngsters to a race through terrain that would scare even a Grand Prix winner.

She had to ride through some of the most impossibly-rugged terrain. The male motorbikers were professional riders who can ride at high speed through the most rugged hinterland, according to crew members.

The actress had been secretly practising for the heart-in-the-mouth motorbike stunts for weeks.

The channel had offered to get a body-double to do the really intricate portions. But Priyanka insisted on doing the entire motorbike stunt-stint on her own.

So excited and charged did she get that she shot for a full 20 hours on the first of the two days of shooting in Bangkok.

"There is no challenge in half-measures. You either do the whole thing or don't do it at all. I've always been fascinated by mobikes. I love mobike stunts," she says.

"When I had seen Tom Cruise do the mobike stunts first, all I thought was, 'Gawd if only I could get to do that.' I guess my wish came true," she adds.

The ride was not all fun and games. Priyanka has returned to Mumbai with quite a number of bruises. "But the pain was worth it. You can't be one of the boys on the bike and not get your share of bruises," she says.

The first look is expected to air on the channel early next week. It shows Priyanka in a chase sequence on bikes with male bikers.

She intends to wrap up all her assignments by October before heading for the shooting of 'Don 2' in Berlin.

Find Here: Photos of Priyanka Chopra on Khatron Ke Khiladi 3, Images of Priyanka Chopra on 'Fear Factor - Khatron Ke Khiladi 3, Priyanka Chopra photographs from Fear Factor Khatron Ke Khiladi 3.

Vivek Oberoi Wedding Pictures, News, Photos

Priyanka Alva

Priyanka Alva and Vivek Oberoi

Priyanka Alva, Vivek's Fiance

Priyanka Alva

A Tiny Picture of Priyanka Alva on the Cover of People Magazine With Vivek Oberoi

Priyanka Alva photos,Vivek Oberoi Wedding pictures,Vivek Oberoi Wedding photos,Priyanka Alva pictures,Priyanka Alva stills,Vivek Oberoi Priyanka Alva marriage pictures,Priyanka Alva Vivek Oberoi marriage photos,Vivek Oberoi marriage stills,Vivek Oberoi marriage photo gallery,Priyanka Alva Vivek Oberoi stills, Priyanka Alva Images

Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi is ready to tie the knot with 28-year-old Priyanka Alva from Bangalore. Catch her stills

Priyanka Alva is the daughter of renowned dancer Nandini and late politician Jeevaraj Alva. She is a business management graduate from London and is into charity works. She helps her mother’s work at the Artistes Foundation for Arts in Bangalore.

Pictures of Salman Khan Donating Blood in Maldives

Salman Khan, as everyone knows does a lot of charity. In these photographs you can see Salman donating blood. Reportedly these pics were taken in Maldives. Images of Salman Khan

First Look Poster of Enthiran-The Robot Starring Rajinikanth and Aishwarya Rai

Mohammad Azharuddin and Sangeeta Bijlani Split? - Is Their Marriage Over

Their 14-year marriage is reportedly in Trouble, following the former India skipper's close relationship with badminton champ half his age

Marriage Trouble: Mohammad Azharuddin and Sangeeta Bijlani

Mohammad Azharuddin and Sangeeta Bijlani's 14-year-old marriage is reportedly over. If the buzz in Hyderabad (which has now reached Mumbai as well and is fast spreading to the rest of the country) is to be believed, then all is not well between the mian-biwi. According to a highly-placed source, Azhar will be filing for divorce within a week. And a badminton champ half his age is believed to be the reason for the split.

Jwala Gutta (26), World No 7 mixed doubles player, currently married to Arjuna Award-winner badminton champ Chetan Anand, is the one who has caught the fancy of the 47-year-old former India skipper and Congress MP from Moradabad.

He is said to be so besotted with her that he has gifted her a BMW, in which she rides all around Hyderabad -- something that first raised eyebrows, as mixed doubles badminton players are not a well-paid lot.

Rough weather: Jwala Gutta with husband Chetan Anand

"Whenever he is in Hyderabad, he is seen in Pullela Gopichand's academy where Jwala practises and they both leave together. They head to some hotel but I am not sure if they stay together in the same room," said a highly-placed source from the Andhra Pradesh Badminton Association.

"Jwala and her husband are not staying together at the moment and are even practising separately," he added. Azhar was spotted at the Asian Badminton Championship in Delhi recently and the couple have even been watching matches together.

Gopichand refused to get embroiled in the controversy. "I don't want to comment anything on this," he said, cautiously.

One from the album: Azhar with his first wife Naureen and kids. file pic

Badminton officials say Jwala was the reason why Azhar was interested in fighting the Badminton Association of India (BAI) elections, and not to "bring professionalism,
accountability and transparency in BAI's working" as he had said. Azhar, however, withdrew his nomination later. With inputs from Amit Singh

First shaadi and divorce

After an eight-year marriage, Azhar divorced his first wife Naureen after he started seeing Sangeeta. His messy divorce cost him two bungalows in Hyderabad's Banjara Hills, two BMWs apart from lakhs of rupees. He has two sons from his first wife -- Asaduddin and Abbasuddin. Five years after the divorce, Naureen married a Canada-based real-estate businessman.

Snippets from the dressing room

A NEWSPAPER photographer managed to capture Mohammed Azharuddin and Sangeeta Bijlani at the Cricket Club of India when the Indian team led by Azharuddin trained at the Brabourne Stadium in 1995. Azhar was livid when he saw the photograph in the newspaper the following day. However, a little birdie tells us that he took a liking for the photograph and requested the cameraman to part with a copy.

DURING the Board President's XI vs New Zealand, the batting stylist annoyed agency reporters, who had to file their copies from the press centre of Rajkot's Municipal Stadium in 1995, by using the telephone line to talk to his new-found love. When a senior journalist protested, Azharuddin couldn't understand what all the fuss was all about. Can't blame him.

How Did Mohammad Azharuddin and Sangeetha Bijlani Meet

Azhar met Sangeeta at a photo shoot where he modelled for an advertisement along with the actress, soon after which he started seeing her in 1994. Azhar was a married man, the shy and reserved sort and Sangeeta was dating Salman Khan then. After a romance that drew a lot of criticism, the two tied the knot in 1996.

For, the then India captain rarely cared about members of the fourth estate. According to some senior pros, he once addressed a media conference while clipping his toe nails. A few years later, at the Brabourne Stadium, he tucked into a snack while the pressmen waited for their bytes.

WHEN Azharuddin was on the threshold of becoming the most capped player in One-Day Internationals (Allan Border held the record for 273 ODIs) during the Mini World Cup in Dhaka, 1998, one of the several people he thanked for supporting him right through was his wife. It did not take long for a Smart Alec of a scribe to ask, "Which wife?" He didn't get an answer, as Azharuddin made it appear as if he didn't hear the question.

SANGEETA Bijlani's presence on the 1997 tour of West Indies was not well received by members of the Indian team. Apparently, wives of other players had to return home after a while, but Bijlani stayed on.

The Other Side

When contacted, Jwala neither confirmed nor refuted the rumours. "You can write whatever you want, but it's neither a yes nor a no," said her manager. Even after she was asked if the rumours were baseless, she remained non-committal.

Azhar, however said, "All these are rumours." Azhar's mother let it slip that Sangeeta is staying in Mumbai these days.

Chetan Anand, Jwala's husband said, "I don't want to comment anything. It is a personal issue. The media has no right to get into personal matters." He then disconnected the phone. Bijlani did not respond to our messages and calls. Mohammad Azharuddin and Sangeeta Bijlani Marriage in trouble, Mohammad Azharuddin and Sangeeta Bijlani Wedding in trouble, Mohammad Azharuddin and Sangeeta Bijlani divorce

Promo of Dabangg, Starring Salman Khan and Sonakshi Sinha

First Look Promo of Dabangg, For Complete Details, Click Here

Freida Pinto On The Sets of 'Miral' (Pictures)

Slumdog Millionaire star Freida Pinto plays the lead role in Miral. Miral is French director Julian Schnabel's movie about a group of orphans in Jerusalem. Miral is sent to the orphanage at the age of seven after her mother's death. She grows up at the institute and only at the age of 17 does she get to leave and face the harsh reality outside the protection walls of the orphanage.

Check out some behind the scenes photos from the sets of Freida Pinto's new movie Miral.

After hanging out with Hollywood big shots like Antonio Banderas and Naomi Watts on the set of Woody Allen's upcoming movie You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger, the pretty actress just finished shooting her new movie Miral with another Hollywood veteran, Willem Dafoe. Sounds like things are going great for Freida!

Trisha Has Done a Great Job in Khatta Meetha: Director Priyadarshan

‘Trisha’s my baby’ … says director Priyadarshan, who is convinced that the actress has done a great job in his film


Priyadarshan is a happy man. His latest Bollywood flick Khatta Meetha
has been passed by the censors with a clean U certificate. In an exclusive with BT, the Chennai-based director said, “I would rate this as my best Hindi film to date. It is a satirical comedy loosely based on my 1989 Mohanlal-Shobhana starrer Vellanakulde Nadu. A year ago, I read an interesting survey that out of the budget allocated for development of infrastructure in India, only 30 per cent is actually spent on it. The remaining 70 per cent goes into the corrupt hands of politicians, middlemen and the local administration.”

Click here for Posters and Wallpapers of Khatta Meetha >>

When asked about Trisha, who’s making her Bollywood debut with this film, Priyadarshan waxes eloquent. “Trisha is my baby. I discovered her while doing an ad film and cast her in my Lesa Lesa,” he reveals, adding, “I did not consider her as a great artiste at that time, but over the years, she has made me proud with her achievements. In my film, she’s stepping into a role done by Shobhana, one of the finest actresses in India. After watching the first copy, I’m convinced that Trisha has done justice to her role.”

Clearing the air about why Akshay Kumar isn’t talking about Trisha in his interviews, Priyadarshan says, “It was Akshay, one of the producers of the film, who wanted a new face from south India to play the heroine’s role. When he saw some film clippings that featured Trisha, he readily agreed to cast her as his heroine.” About questions being asked in Kollywood on why Trisha is not getting the kind of media hype and promotion that Asin got at the time of her launch in Mumbai, Priyan shoots back, “Asin had given her dates to Aamir Khan and her focus was completely on her launch vehicle, which paid rich dividends. Trisha is shooting somewhere in Europe for a Tamil film. She should have been here now and attending promotional activities with Akshay in north Indian cities. I strongly believe in Bollywood’s marketing strategy — promote or perish.”

Priyadarshan, who has set his story against the Marathi milieu, has Akshay essaying the role of a struggling but honest road contractor (Sachin Tichkule) who ultimately succumbs to the corrupt system. Trisha plays Gehna Ganpule, municipal commissioner in the same town, and ex-girlfriend of Sachin, who now hates him.

Posters and Wallpapers of Khatta Meetha >>

Akshay Kumar and Aishwarya Rai Spotted at Manali Airport (Pictures)

Bollywood stars Akshay Kumar Aishwarya Rai Bachchan were spotted the airport in Manali. They are there to shoot for their upcoming film Action Replayy.

Accompanied by her mother, Aishwarya drove straight to the hotel Holiday Inn, where she will stay for a week while shooting the film .

According to sources, Aishwarya and Akshay will shoot a retro-themed song and will stay for another four-five days.

If You Talk About Spanking a 28-year-Old You Better be Prepared to Face the Music: Punit Malhotra on Shobaa De

Punit Malhotra, who’s just helmed the hit movie “I Hate Luv Storys” for Dharma Productions, says he’s hoping someone casts him as a leading man next.

“I won’t cast myself in my next directorial project. I can’t direct and act together. But I’d like to act in a film next. An actor is what I came here to be,” said Punit.

But before that Punit is off on a holiday. Is he joining his leading Sonam Kapoor in Edinburgh where she returns to shoot for “Mausam”?

The buzz about the director seeing his leading lady just got stronger with people close to the two whispering that Punit is off to spend quality time with her in Edinburgh after the film’s success.

Though Punit, euphoric with the success of “I Hate Luv Storys”, admits he’s off on a holiday he completely denies he is love-bound.

“I am not going to Scotland. I am going to the US for my holiday. I’ve lots of friends there I want to catch up with before I begin to plan my next film. If you want I can send you pictures of me posing at the Statue Of Liberty,” he said.

Apparently the success party of his film has also been put off until Punit returns from his holiday.

The fact that Sonam too will be back home in a month is just a coincidence. Once Punit returns he will start work on his next film.

“It won’t be a rom-com,” he promises. But yes it will star his pals Imran Khan and Sonam again.

And if you thought the young filmmaker would be embarrassed and apologetic about his run-in with columnist-writer Shobha De, who threatened to spank him after watching “I Hate Luv Storys”, you are quite wrong.

In fact, Punit says he removed his shrivelling retort to Shobha’s comment only because his mother asked him to.

“My mother gave me hell about my remark on Shobha De. She wanted to know how I could talk someone my mother’s age that way. Of course I wouldn’t say such a thing to anyone! I’ve been brought up to respect my seniors. But if you going to talk about spanking a 28-year-old you better be prepared to face the music.”

Punit says he has no problems with the bad reviews for his film.

“It’s a free country. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. And I respect everyone’s opinion. But you can’t spank me if you didn’t like my film. We aren’t living in the Taliban. No, I am not at all apologetic about what I said.”

Asked would he be willing to be cast in a film written by Shobha De, he said: “I’d get spanked on the sets every day.”

Sonam Kapoor Apologises To Shobha De For Retweeting a Rude Comment Made By 'IHLS' Director Punit Malhotra

Looks like the success of 'I Hate Luv Storys' hasn't gone completely to Sonam Kapoor's head. The actress apologised today (July 13) to writer and columnist Shobhaa De for retweeting a rude comment that her 'IHLS' director Puneet Malhotra made. Sonam posted on her Twitter page, "Mrs De I owe you an apology for getting personal. I'm ashamed for my momentary lapse in judgement. And apologetic.. Every writer and journalist and audience are entitled to their opinion and I respect that."

Punit Malhotra, Director of IHLS

This was what happened earlier. The movie got a harsh review from Shobhaa De, and among other things she said that Punit Malhotra should be spanked for making it. Punit responded to this on his Twitter page, saying, "Shobhaa De is a fossil going through menopause. She doesn't get action. Going by her logic, should I be spanking Shobhaa if I don't like what she writes?" Sonam had retweeted Punit's comment on her own Twitter page.

Sonam Kapoor

So Sonam's apologised now, will Punit do the same? After all he is the guy who came up with the original comment.

Music CD of 'IHLS' availabe at Get Details >>

Aishwarya Rai and Kate Winslet Shooting Together For a Longines Commercial in Rome (Pictures)

Aishwarya Rai Films an Advertisement for Longines with Kate Winslet and Taiwanese model Lin Chi-Ling.

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, former Miss World, and Kate Winslet of Titanic fame Academy award winner actress were together in an advertisement and they shot for the add in Rome. Both the artistes were wearing black attire to shoot for Swiss watch brand Longiness

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is with the Longiness watch for the past 4 years. Kate winslet is new to the brand of a high end watch. Another model Lin Chi-ling, the Taiwanese model and actor, also took part in the commercial. Both the actress have met earlier also but for a brief period only. This time, however, they are meeting for a longer time as the shooting will take two days and they can have enough time to be familiar with each other.

In the Western countries, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is a well known name after she played a lead role in Hollywood’s multi-starrer movie Pink Panther 2. She worked with famous personalities like Steve Martin and Andy Garcia. She has also been regularly appearing in the Cannes festival.

Find Here: Pictures of Aishwarya Rai & Kate Winslet Shooting Together For Longines watch Commercial/Ad, Photos of Aishwarya Rai & Kate Winslet Filming together, Aishwarya Rai & Kate Winslet in a Longines Commercial, Aishwarya Rai and Kate Winslet shoot together for L'Oreal, Aishwarya Rai and Kate Winslet shoot together For an Ad/Advertisement, Aishwarya Rai and Kate Winslet photos together, Aishwarya Rai and Kate Winslet shoot for a commercial/Advertisement together, Aishwarya Rai and Kate Winslet images.
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