I have been at the receiving end of a million calls and an equal number of sms's the whole day to come live on TV or on the print media to express my views on the current situation and am being lured by words such as 'we need you to speak to express solidarity and for the people to maintain their calm'.This is disgusting !! I will NOT do that. TELL ME AND ORDER ME INSTEAD THAT WE REQUIRE FOR EVERY INDIAN TO GET UP AND WALK INTO THE FACILITIES WHERE THE ACTION IS ON AND I WILL BE THE FIRST TO WALK. But, please do not ask me to come and make sloppy statements that will do nothing more than create viewer interest in said particular channel ! I respect what the media is doing in serving the nation with its continuous information bulletins and I admire the brave and diligent manner in which they have devoted themselves to the cause. But what they expect me do I find against my ethics and want to be excused from it.
And for God's sake, let us stop reiterating that cliched "Sprit of Mumbai" retort. Yes Mumbai is strong and resilient and shall not be cowed down by any such occurrence. But let us not conveniently use it as our cover sheet, pull it over our heads and go off to sleep. Because that is what has been happening every time. Incidents of grave disaster have continued to be camouflaged with 'oh, this is Mumbai, we have a great spirit, we will spring back'. Fine, we will, of course. But who is assuring us that the disaster will not !!As an Indian, I need to live in my own land, on my own soil with dignity and without fear. And I need an assurance on that.I am ashamed to say this and not afraid to share this now with the rest of the cyber world, that last night, as the events of the terror attack unfolded in front of me I did something for the first time and one that I had hoped never ever to be in a situation to do.
Before retiring for the night, I pulled out my licensed .32 revolver, loaded it and put it under my pillow. For a very disturbed sleep."
— Amitabh Bachchan
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