It was a hugely emotional experience for Hrithik Roshan on Sunday evening when he inaugurated the Audio and Speech therapy wing at the Nanavati Hospital.
Hrithik met his former doctor, Dr Ramesh Oza who had treated Hrithik for his speech impairment. In a rare recollection of his traumatic childhood Hrithik said, “All memories of my past difficulties came spilling out. When I met my doctor who treated me at age 14 for stammering I could barely control my emotions. It’s not easy to be a special child. You may be called ‘special’ to make you feel less troubled about your disability. But only a child who goes through the physical or psychological disability knows the trauma he goes through.”
Sharing his own trauma at Nanavati hospital was quite a liberating experience for the actor. “As someone who has a certain standing I feel it’s my duty to tell kids with disabilities to chill. It’s okay guys, I got over it, so will you.’ I think it’s very important for me to convey this message far and wide and I want to do it more often.”
“It’s all very well to look after your own immediate family and care for friends. But I believe money should also be used for the larger good. That’s what I realised on Sunday evening. I feel charity is a very selfish thing. I feel so good after doing it. I’m sure those who will benefit from my donation wouldn’t feel as good about life as I do,” said Hrithik the morning after the Nanavati wing for audio and speech disorders was inaugurated.
Hrithik donated Rs 20 lakh for the wing for special children. The wing has been named after his grandmother Ira Roshan, the late composer Roshan’s wife, and Rakesh and Rajesh Roshan’s mom.
Says Hrithik emotionally, “I shared some great times with my Daadi during my childhood and growing years. Today seeing my name along with hers and being associated with such a project, she must be smiling down.”

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